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Behind the scene at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in London. Photo Credit: © Gordon Ramsay Restaurants.

The Michelin Guide to London: How the Star System Shapes the City’s Dining Scene

Are you looking for somewhere special to eat when you come to London? The Michelin star system is considered the gold standard by which eateries are judged. All Michelin inspectors are anonymous and many are unknown even to the company’s directors. They are not allowed to tell their parents what they do in case these parents boast about it and the secret is revealed. They are anonymous and thorough, paying for their own meals and claiming the cost back from the company later so they are completely unbribable.

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Portrait of William Ernest Henley. Photo Credit: © Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.

William Ernest Henley, ‘The Unwilling Pirate’ at St Paul’s Cathedral in London

St Paul’s Cathedral is often second choice when it comes to competing against Westminster Abbey. Visitors to London, inquisitive to know about the traditions of royalty, are not going to want to see celebrities of earlier times unless it is Churchill, Lady Diana’s wedding or Margaret Thatcher. For most Americans, the American Chapel is the draw – they are patriotic and that is the bait on the hook!

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The main library of the Linnean Society. Photo Credit: © John Cummings via Wikimedia Commons.

The Linnean Society at Burlington House in London

The Linnean Society is one of a number of learned societies that have made Burlington House their home. It was founded in 1788 by the amateur botanist Sir James Edward Smith who, spurred on by the President of the Royal Society, Sir Joseph Banks, purchased the natural history collection of the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, who is known as the father of taxonomy – the classification and naming of biological organisms based on shared characteristics.

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