Yingzi Su

Hi - my name is Jane Su (Su Yingzi).
I am a fully qualified Blue Badge Guide and experienced tour guide in the UK. I have shared my love of the UK with Chinese tourists here since 2012, visiting key sights across London, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
I grew up in Beijing and qualified as a tourist guide at Beijing Tourism College in 1996. I then worked in China as an international tour-guide and tour leader. I developed my extensive experience running efficient and enjoyable tours as a national guide, guiding English speaking tourists all over China and also used my language skills as an interpreter, accompanying a PRC State Development Planning Group in Australia and New Zealand.
I have lived in the UK for nearly twenty years, travelling far and wide in the four UK Nations. I have enjoyed discovering the fascinating stories of British history and culture that I can now share with you.
Although I guide across the UK, my particular specialism is guiding in London - where I can introduce you to the famous historical sites such as St Paul’s Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery, the British Museum, the Tower of London and Windsor Castle. I also guide around London to Bath, Stratford-upon-Avon and Stonehenge.
I am fully bilingual in Chinese (Mandarin) and English and have the relevant ESOL qualifications.
I’m looking forward to helping you make the most of your trip to Britain and sharing my insight and local knowledge to ensure you have an enjoyable and fascinating experience.
我是苏英姿,是英国伦敦蓝牌职业导游,我经验丰富,自2012年起代领中国旅游团队游览英国各个国家的著名风景名胜,如伦敦,英格兰,苏格兰,和北爱尔兰,我出生于北京,在北京旅游学院获国家英语旅游专业导游证书,是一名专职英语导游,在国内接待英语国家的游客,在中国也是全程带领游客和专业讲解在中国的各个省市。我已在英国居住了近20年,非常热爱英国的文化,艺术,我作为一名伦敦专业蓝牌导游,我最青媚的城市是伦敦,我会为您详细的讲解伦敦大大小小著名的景观,用言简意赅的语言为你介绍圣保罗大教堂,西敏寺,大英博物馆,皇家城堡温莎 等等世界知名的宗教,艺术文化圣地,我还可以带您游览伦敦周边一天内可到达的大小著名城市,如牛津,剑桥,莎士比亚故居,世界文明的巨石阵等。我英语流畅,有很广泛的当地人文知识,对英国和伦敦非常了解,我热情,非常细心为我的客人召想,能为您的英国之旅轻松,欢乐,留下难忘的印象。
Chinese (Mandarin)Top 5 Specialities
National Gallery Tour
Windsor Castle Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
St Paul’s Cathedral Tour
British Museum Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 12th of March, 2025
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