Vicki Bick
N.B. Scroll down for FRENCH biography ******Love of London, people and communication. these are the three main elements of my successful and happy guiding career. Born and bred in London, I enjoy sharing this wonderful city with others. The London Tourist Board course (covering also anywhere within a day's return journey from London), expanded my insider's knowledge and launched me into the world of tourism with zestful energy that continues. My career continues to span many fields, from general tourism with students, social clubs, sports, retired groups, to higher-profile Lord Mayors, politicians, medical groups ( most recently a group of eminent surgeons, one of whom had operated on me for a tennis injury ) A stimulating variety of clients: business people, academics, pharmaceutical and banking industry officials, many incentive tours; I have guided all sorts. Lord Mayor Rommel of Stuttgart, with his town councillors, (who invited me to visit them later when I went to Germany); the Sicilian Parliament (I was careful not to ask any awkward questions !); national football teams and their sponsors or press corps, prizewinners to various prestigious sports events sponsored by major international companies; Italian bankers who liked my interpreting and later asked the banking services company to fly me out to Norway to assist them on a conference.
The nature of my work has changed over the years, as I became a parent and wanted to be more home-based. I have designed and developed matters relating to children and their interests, with the first-hand experience to guide me. School curriculum tours, aimed at different age groups, film tours ( not just Harry Potter !), pacing a tour wisely to satisfy all family members. Small family groups wanting exclusive and spontaneous planning for their time in London. I focus my style and the information I give specifically for the client, and their own requirements of time, interests and budget. They are all treated like VIPs by me. I have listed my interests and special knowledge below (under walks, but these can also be done as car/coach tours); I will expand on them here. The "wine & gastronomy" came about through working for many years internationally for the Sunday Times Wine Club- Yes, nice work when you can get it!
The more cultural specialities followed study (BA Hons.) and experience, expanded by opportunities in guiding. Regular UK literary tours for a magazine based in the US; frequent visits to theatres and concert halls; family connection to Gustav Mahler; being a lifelong Arsenal football fan.... working at Italia 90, (where I met Pele), and several Euro championships); the Barcelona Olympics, where I was in charge of corporate groups for 4 weeks for Sportsworld; and my favourite sport, tennis, at Wimbledon(which I also play to club standard). I love using all my languages and enjoy the challenge of designing tours to fit the client, for adults and children, groups and FITs. I do tours linked to school curricula, as well as children's film location tours within London. My now-27-year-old daughter advises.
Lastly, I offer care, confidentiality and diplomacy, invaluable elements for client and tour operator alike. I look after every person and cover every angle, from enlisting the cooperation of the driver, to helping newcomers to the tour operators office, especially if they are not yet familiar with running aspects of a tour. The clients would praise the arrangements made. They would be totally at ease with me after a short while and trust in me to be capable, discreet, honest, whether in the field of medical trade secrets, politics or just regular shopping and tourism. Always entertaining ..... and they will hopefully come back for more! In addition to the tours listed on this website, I guide tours of Hampstead, Primrose Hill/Camden, Soho, Spitalfields and most recently added: the King's Cross regeneration area, which is fascinating and still a work in progress. During the current worldwide health crisis, I am only working with small groups, preferably on walking tours or public transport during quieter travel times. We can work it out!
Bienvenus! J'espere que peut-etre je pourrai vous accueillir ici a Londres bientot. Pour plus de detail, je vous invite a regarder la description de mon profil mais – excusez-moi ! - je ne l'ai pas encore tout traduit en francais, ni en d'autres langues etrangeres.....
En bref, j'ai le plaisir d'avoir une riche carriere en tant que guide-interprete, principalement a Londres, mais aussi accompagnant des groupes de plusieurs nationalites vers beaucoup d'autres pays. Par example, une groupe francais ( du BNP) au Mexique. J'ai aussi emmene des anglais sur le chemin du vin, pour deguster et connaitre le bon vin francais ( Sunday Times Wine Club ).
J'aime la variete des clients qui m'engagent ; je suis stimulee par leur interets particuliers – ca produit un bon echange utilisant mon savoir et experience qui ajoute a leur plaisir en explorant Londres, ma belle ville de naissance. De petits groupes de famille ou amis …..ou groupes professionels qui ont reussi a trouver du temps pour visiter quelque chose d'interessant pendant leur sejour.
Je ne suis pas sur reseaux sociaux – ce n'est pas de tout neccessaire pour mon travail, car les reccomandations continuent de venir du monde entier: clients qui ont voyages avec moi qui parlent a leurs amis ou leur agent de tourisme, ….chauffeurs d'autocars ou de voitures de luxe qui passent le mot. J'essaie de contenter toutes les demandes, meme celles qui semblent difficiles; par example une famille avec deux petits garcons voulant faire l'aller-retour de Londres a Manchester le meme jour, pour visiter le stade de football de Manchester City. Je suis tres debrouillade!
EnglishFrenchGermanItalianPortugueseTop 5 Specialities
Beatles London Tour
The City of London Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Tower of London Tour
Classic London Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 28th of July, 2022
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