Vania Gay

I was born in Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil, where I first qualified in Nursing followed by a Bachelor in Law and Social Sciences. In London, I worked for over 20 years as a nurse in Clinical Research.
Since arriving in 1989, I have enjoyed exploring and learning about this great and wonderful city, its history, art, architecture and its people and my natural curiosity and passion for the city has led me to take all opportunities to further my knowledge.
I am a qualified London Blue Badge Guide, City of London, City of Westminster, Hampton Court Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral Guide. I am also a Windsor and Eton Accredited Guide.
Eu sou uma professional de turismo qualificada e credenciada como London Blue Badge Guide, a qualificação mais alta de guia de turismo no Reino Unido, e como guia da City of London, City of Westminster, St Paul's Cathedral, Hampton Court Palace e Guia Acreditado de Windsor e Eton!
Sou natural de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, formada em Enfermagem , Direito e Ciências Sociais pela UFRGS; de 1990 a 2014 atuei na área de Pesquisa Clínica em Londres.
Ofereço passeios guiados em Inglês e Português nesta cidade fantástica. De atrações mundialmente famosas como a Abadia de Westminster à ruas antigos e becos escondidos, tenha certeza que eu farei com que você aproveite o máximo a sua visita.
My tours are informative and fun and I can tailor any tour to suit your requirements, whether you want to visit Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, art galleries, museums, parks, or the shops and entertainment venues of the West End. These tours can be adapted to suit the first time visitor or the keen London enthusiast and I can deliver personalised individual tours for families, companies and organisations.
If you wish to adventure outside London, I can plan a wonderful day out to some of the beautiful and charming places in England such as Windsor, Oxford, Bath, Canterbury, Salisbury, Stratford-Upon-Avon and the Cotswolds.
PortugueseEnglishTop 5 Specialities
The City of London Tour
Windsor Castle Tour
Hampton Court Palace Tour
Tower of London Tour
Classic London Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 11th of March, 2025
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