Mike Levy

I love London and Britain and want to share my enthusiasm with you, in English, Italian or Romanian!I like hidden corners and unusual venues 'far from the madding crowd'and am particularly interested in prehistory and British myths and legends. If you are on your own in London,I can help you make the most of your visit with public transport (remember the dreaded carbon footprint!)and save time, money and hassle into the bargain. When not working as Guide or Tour Manager I work as an interpreter with the Police and Immigration Services, and run intensive language courses. I was also a local councillor for eight years and gained particular insights into the workings of local and national government. I am passionate about music and am a member of a Georgian Choir as well as a member of the Honourable Society of Cymrrodorion which promotes the culture and language of Wales.
EnglishItalianRomanianTop 5 Specialities
Charles Dickens London Tour
Maritime Greenwich Tour
City of Oxford Tour
City of Bath Tour
Jack The Ripper Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 6th of October, 2024
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