Maggie Jolly

Maggie Jolly has spent almost all her professional life working with tourists.
Originally travelling with groups all over Europe and the UK, she eventually decided to settle down in the most amazing city in the world, London, and became a certified London Blue Badge Guide.
She finished her guiding course at the top of her class and was awarded Guide of the Year.
Passionate about history and weird languages, Maggie speaks fluent English, Polish and Finnish and can order fish and chips in probably every European country.
Maggie understands that when it comes to guiding: dates and facts are important (and she’s a walking encyclopaedia of knowledge), but it’s the stories and the people that can bring your trip to life.
She specialises in particular in British history and Royalty, and knows all about the medieval kings buried in Westminster Abbey, executions in the Tower of London, the secrets of Winston Churchill’s war rooms or what’s been happening in the latest episodes of the Crown.
In addition to all things royal, Maggie loves the local museums, particularly the British Museum and its huge collection of eclectic objects.
Maggie also has extensive experience working with families and small children and her head is full of weird and quirky fun facts that can entertain adults and children alike.
She loves working with clients that are curious and interested and enjoys being challenged with unusual questions!
This is a profession Maggie has always wanted to be part of, and she takes great pride in providing a personally tailored visit for every client.
PolishEnglishFinnishTop 5 Specialities
Royal London Tour
Hampton Court Palace Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Tower of London Tour
British Museum Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 8th of August, 2024
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