LIU Xiao Rong

Xiao Rong Liu ( Gloria )
London Mandarin Blue Badge Guide
Lecturer Guide in Chinese in Wallace Collection
Fellow of the FRAS (Fellows of the Royal Asiatic Society)
Institute of Tourist Guiding, British Guild of Tourist Guides & Association of Professional Tourist Guides
英國國家導遊,倫敦中文藍牌註冊導遊; 大英博物館專業講解, 獲溫莎/伊頓 特別資質考核認證; 倫敦華萊士藝術藏館特約中文講解員, 英國國家畫廊, V&A藝術館, 泰特現代藝術館,泰特英國藝術館, 考陶爾德畫廊 專業講解, Kew Garden 邱園(皇家植物園),擅長人文藝術遊 Art Tour.溫莎城堡,西敏寺、倫敦塔、聖保羅大教堂、自然歷史博物館, 科技館 的詳細講解以及英國大學參觀 各地自然風光和人文景點。英國 和法國社交禮儀 餐桌禮儀, 包括英國下午茶禮儀 (French etiquette, British Etiquette, Table Manner), 倫敦城步行遊(City Walk), 倫敦司法專題遊 倫敦古老大律師學院 步行遊 Legal London Walk London Mandarin Speaking Blue Badge Guide, with Windsor/Eton EndorsementWallace Collection Chinese Lecture Guide in Mandarin英國皇家亞洲學會成員 FRAS(Fellows of the Royal Asiatic Society)倫敦大學亞非學院考古藝術系亞洲藝術專業文憑(中國古典藝術, 印度古典藝術, 伊斯蘭藝術)英國旅游向導學會(Institute of Tourist Guiding), 英國導遊行會(British Guild of Tourist Guides), 英國專業導遊聯合會(Association of Professional Tourist Guides) 的成員。來自中國大陸,國內醫學院畢業,獲巴黎大學血液細胞生物學碩士, 在巴黎定居工作生活多年之後又移居英國倫敦生活,研習西方音樂史, 學習深造東西方藝術史, 母語為普通話,英語和法語流利,對英國法國倫敦巴黎都非常熟悉, 游刃於中英法三種文化,在英國法國豐富的學習工作生活經歷,對當地政經歷史, 人文風情思潮,藝術時尚,子女升學教育等都有深刻的了解和體察。加入華萊士畫廊的教育團隊(Education Team), 參與華萊士藝術博物館的部分中國收藏研究工作, 其中包括乾隆年間的"金甌永固杯", 曾先後為 國內優秀設計獲獎者, 亞洲金融藝術學院藝術銀行學員班, 清華大學藝術學院-蘇富比 藝術碩士班學員導覽講解, 為駐英中國女外交官導覽講解華萊士藝術館收藏 ,近期在該博物館結合本館的收藏, 華語主持藝術與時尚專題: 介紹 歐洲18世紀的流行時尚 (Wallace Collection and 18th century Fashion in Europe) .曾多次為中國國家領導人導覽講解大英博物館的館藏和西敏寺等,接待過中國政商界教育界人士、著名企業家、銀行家、藝術家、藝術收藏家、世界各地華人家庭親友團、中小學生交換生團和遊學團。 2016年5月陪同 中方VIP客人參加英國女皇伊麗薩白二世90歲大壽溫莎城堡晚會.為人熱情大方、真誠敬業、善解人意、善於和不同年齡段的客人交流溝通。熱愛中國傳統文化、中西古典音樂、歌劇、戶外運動、旅行, 園藝烹調和茶。
Born in Mainland China, Having lived in Paris and then in London for many years, My life journey and working experience in China, Paris and London has given me a broad and rich world view.
Qualified as London Mandarin Blue Badge Guide since 2014 , I have got experience in guiding in major museums and galleries such as : British Museum , National Gallery, Westminster Abbey , St Paul Cathedral , and other tourist attractions in UK. I specialise in art tours. In giving tours in National Gallery, V&A , Wallace Collection and the Courtauld Gallery etc .
Becoming a lectured guide in Chinese in Wallace Collection 2016, I gave tours in Chinese to the general public as well as private groups such as : Institute of Asian Financial art; Tsinghua University : College of Art-Sotheby’s Master of Fine Arts student; Women diplomats of Chinese Embassy in London .
In Wallace Collection Gallery, I participated in the research of some of the Chinese collections such as “金甌永固杯 Gold Cup of Eternal Stability ”in the Qianlong period.
Completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Asian Art Studies (Chinese, Indian and Islamic art) study at SOAS , University of London, it strengthened and broadened my interest and knowledge in world art history.
Having received a variety of guests in my work , of all ages and occupations: high profile politicians, entrepreneurs, investment bankers, well known artists, art collectors, family/friends groups, school children, young people from university etc. I do enjoy my work to meet different people and share the history, the beauty and light of this country .
In 2016 , as a London Bluebadge Guide , I was honoured to be able to accompany a Chinese group to attend Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's 90th Birthday Party in Windsor Castle.
Loving nature, classical music, opera, jogging , meditation ,cooking, I’m very thankful that travel is both my passion and my work .
Chinese (Mandarin)Top 5 Specialities
The City of London Tour
National Gallery Tour
Classic London Tour
British Museum Tour
Cotswolds Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 31st of January, 2025
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