Kumiko Sweigler

ようこそロンドンへ !
伝統と革新、多民族と異文化の融合がユニークなロンドンに暮らして早30年。日本とも深い縁のある英国とロンドンの歴史や旬の話題を楽しくわかりやすく、そして常に好奇心を忘れずにご案内したいと思っています。有名な名所旧跡はもちろん、隠れた名所や地元ロンドナーが訪れるパブやマーケット、自然が美しい郊外の日帰りや小旅行もご提案可能です。個人、ご家族、団体を問わず皆さまの心に残る旅のお手伝いができることを楽しみにしております。 スウィグラー久美子
London is calling you!
I have been fortunate enough to live and work in this exciting multi-cultural city for a long time; London has become my home.
As a professional Blue Badge Guide, I can guide you through the history and current topics of the UK and London and invite you to explore its deep ties with Japan, always with a sense of fun and a spirit of adventure.
As well as London’s must-see historic sites, I would be delighted to show you London's hidden gems, pubs and markets where Londoners hang out or take you on excursions to beautiful countryside such as the Cotswolds, or medieval cities like Windsor, Bath and Oxford.
Having worked for tour operators in London for over 25 years, as well as being a freelance contributor to Japanese travel & tourism publishers and a keen traveller myself, I know I can create the best possible itinerary for your needs. Whether you are an individual or travelling in a group, with adults, children or teens, I'll work with you to tailor your trip and ensure that your time in London is memorable and enjoyable.
JapaneseTop 5 Specialities
Beatles London Tour
Maritime Greenwich Tour
Victoria & Albert Museum Tour
National Gallery Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 4th of March, 2025
Simply put your name and email address in the form below, together with a brief message for the Guide, and hit the green 'Send' button. The Guide concerned will then reply as quickly as possible to discuss your requirements.