Julia Huber

Hello and a very warm welcome to London (even if it's just a virtual one for now ...)!
It seems you are planning a trip to this gorgeous city, or you might already be here in which case please do get in touch as I might have some last-minute availability for you!
You might already know this but London is vibrant. It is colourful. It is cutting-edge, forever changing and full of history wherever you look. This is why people keep coming back for more - once you have experienced this great city you will always want to return for more museums, more restaurants, more musicals, more browsing the many street markets, more walking through those wonderful parks, more shopping and more culture. So whatever you are looking for in a city trip - you will find it here because it all lies at the heart of this amazing city!
As a local Londoner and qualified tourist guide I can help you make your stay truly unforgettable. I might just lend a helping hand navigating the streets and alleys, or plan your entire holiday so you can make the most of your time here. You can book me for a private guided tour around a specific site like the Tower of London, St Paul's Cathedral or Westminster Abbey (just to name a few) or we explore much-loved areas like Chelsea, Bloomsbury, Spitalfields etc. together.
I am not only a London Blue Badge Guide with the Blue Badge being the UK's highest guiding qualification, but also a qualified Westminster Guide as well as a City of London Guide. This, paired with my dedication to give you the best London experience you can imagine, should leave you with no doubt that you will be in very good hands with me (please see my Tripadvisor page for reviews).
And whilst some guides do shy away from guiding children and teenagers I am proud to say that guiding families is one of my specialities.
Finally, please know that I can provide my tours in English and German and that I can't wait to say to you in person: Welcome to London!
Aufgewachsen in Österreich und seit fast 20 Jahren in London. 4 Jahre Ausbildung zum City of London, City of Westminster und London Blue Badge Guide.
Freundlich. Zuverlässig. Immer am Ball.
'Von Bobbies, Corgis und den 7 Löwen' - London für Kinder (virtuell)
In ca. 70 Minuten bereite ich euch bestens auf euren ersten London-Urlaub vor!
Wer ist der König? Und wie heißt er eigentlich wirklich?
Was sind 'Bobbies' und 'Corgis'? Wo gibt es das beste Schleckeis oder Londons coolste Toiletten?
Wir finden's raus!
'London Curiosities' - London für Erwachsene (virtuell)
Schräges, Witziges und Unglaubliches, das diese Stadt zu bieten hat - schön verpackt in 'Häppchen of Delights' und mit der Garantie euch zum Schmunzeln und Staunen zu bringen. Ihr denkt ihr wisst schon alles über London? Ich fordere euch heraus. Seid gespannt und lehnt euch zurück! Gemeinsam hüpfen wir über Zoom ca. 70 Minuten lang quer durch die Stadt, immer auf der Suche nach der nächsten seltsamen Überraschung.
Ich freue mich auf euch!
Find me on: Tripadvisor / Instagram / Facebook / londonmitfamilie.com / juliacityguide.com
GermanEnglishTop 5 Specialities
The City of London Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Tower of London Tour
Classic London Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 10th of March, 2025
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