Joanna Rial

A fluent Spanish speaker born and raised in London's famous East End, I have witnessed first hand how dynamic, global, vibrant, multi-faceted this capital can be. London is an ever-changing city, continuously evolving and as a professional tourist guide it's vital to embrace this city and let it lead you in its dance! I enjoy a challenge and with sufficient time I am happy to consider and tailor requests. This has led me to explore a variety of quirkier properties and places off the beaten track as well as our more iconic sites. I enjoy all aspects of this job and am at ease with walking tours, coach work, using public transport and I'm still waiting to be asked to go on a *speed boat! *Since writing that last sentence I can confirm that a speedboat on the Thames is an absolute blast In terms of experience, I was introduced into the extraordinary world of tourism after I graduated in medieval and modern history at Birmingham University. Working with foreign language student groups as a leisure coordinator led me to training as a Blue Badge Guide and I qualified in 1990. To further my knowledge and curiosity I toured extensively around England, Wales and Scotland and have accompanied incentive groups abroad including Greece and Thailand. I soon learnt that a robust sense of humour and tailoring tastes is of supreme importance in order to engage visitors whilst interpreting our incredible heritage. After all, people are here primarily to enjoy themselves but its all the better if they can take away the memory of a fulfilling experience. I have a penchant for all things medieval, rickety buildings, castles and cathedrals; I'm an accredited guide at both York Minster and Canterbury Cathedral, the latter being where I volunteered in my spare time, now that I live in Kent. However I do have enormous fun with The Georgians, a deep fascination for constantly evolving data on pre-history, that seems to emerge regularly from Stonehenge and of late I have become particularly fascinated by Ian Fleming and the world of James Bond. Not only that but Soho and its music connections also has me in its thrall and my beloved East End will always hold a special place in my heart. In short I love all things 'history' and I do hope that after your visit with me, that this will be ever so slightly contagious!
EnglishSpanishTop 5 Specialities
James Bond London Tour
London Rock ‘N’ Roll Tour
Tower of London Tour
Churchill War Rooms Tour
Classic London Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 8th of April, 2024
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