Janet Date

I worked in theatre for some 15 years and I'm a regular theatre-goer, anything from Shakespeare to musicals (see "Walks"). I like doing the Times crossword (20 minutes), going to the gym and reading - love Shakespeare, Dickens (see "Walks") and Jane Austen but have a weakness for whodunnits. Will happily guide: - Albert Memorial - Apsley House - Eltham Palace - Geffrye Museum - Guildhall, including Amphitheatre and Gallery - Leighton House - Somerset House - Wallace Collection - Wellington Arch. I have an extensive repertoire of walking tours.
EnglishTop 5 Specialities
William Shakespeare Tour
Legal London Tour
Charles Dickens London Tour
The City of London Tour
London East End Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 8th of June, 2022
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