James Haines

Come walk with me around historic sites such as the Tower of London or Westminster Abbey. I’m a passionate history buff and enjoy putting my foot forward to explore topics such as Shakespeare’s London, Royal London or Roman London. Let me take you back in time, along the streets or through the galleries of the British Museum or the National Gallery. I am a guide with a background in teaching and performance. I have been working in travel and tourism for over ten years and have escorted people all over the UK and continental Europe. I encourage participants to make discoveries while having fun at the same time. Having lived in a variety of cities: Paris, Madrid, Brighton, Barcelona, Amsterdam, as well as London now, I appreciate all that the city has to offer and the value that a good guide brings to a travel experience. I graduated in American studies and theatre at the University of Wales. Before becoming a guide I was also a qualified English teacher and presenter, touring Europe with workshops to make complex historical and cultural concepts more accessible to students. I have also worked for institutions such as The British Council, Durham University and Leicester University.
EnglishTop 5 Specialities
Windsor Castle Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Tower of London Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 19th of February, 2024
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