Howard Medwell

I was born in the beautiful county of Sussex and spent my childhood by the sea. I am a product of a boarding school and of Oxford University, so I know a thing or two about the habits and opinions of the British upper classes… though sadly I never joined the Bullingdon Club. My former school, Christ’s Hospital, has an ancient historical connection to the City of London, and with the Royal Observatory at Greenwich. After leaving University, I worked in a variety of jobs both in Britain and overseas, including a year spent driving a mail van around inaccessible corners of the City of London. For thirty years I was a teacher in London’s multicultural schools, first of all with responsibilities for English language teaching, latterly for supporting young people with learning disabilities. I also once stood for Parliament (we don’t talk about that – I lost my deposit). But the best years of my life began when I qualified as a Blue Badge Guide in 2006. What I most enjoy in my work as a guide are those moments when I can show my guests something unexpectedly beautiful or fascinating in a place or area which they thought they already knew enough about… and yes, I often surprise myself, too! I guide in English, French, and German and am happy to work both within London and on extended tours in the South of England. Like most Blue Badge Guides, I am proud to say that I am always ready to offer a new subject for a tour, though my most wide-ranging areas of knowledge are literature, history, and politics. During 2009-18 I was responsible for delivering the British History component of the London Guides’ training course (starting at the Ice Age…). So, if you are looking for someone to guide you on a walking tour of Chelsea… or Shoreditch… or Greenwich… or Brighton… or Rochester… or Wells… or Oxford… or Bury-St-Edmunds… or through Central London in the footsteps of Churchill or Dickens… if you would like to discover the treasures of the British Museum, or the Tate Modern, or the delights of Sissinghurst, or Stourhead… or follow the trail of Tudor skulduggery at the Tower of London or at Hampton Court… or to experience the peace and beauty of our great churches while hearing all about the personal and political histories behind the sculpture and architecture... or if you have a request – at short notice, perhaps – for a themed tour, anywhere in my area, suited to you or your clients’ particular interests – do get in touch.
EnglishFrenchGermanGuide Calendar Last Update: 14th of September, 2023
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