Fiona Lukas

I started guiding in London about 21 years ago. First as a Green Badge guide for The City of London, and for Westminster. Then, after two more years of training, I was thrilled to be London Blue Badge Guide of the Year in 2015.
This last year has involved learning all sorts of new skills to be able to guide from home with virtual tours. Somewhere between a walk and a documentary I'm enjoying the opportunities that virtual tours allow, to cover themes that would be impossible on a physical walk, because they are too far flung. As walking tours restart this summer I'll keep doing virtual tours and spend some time taking photos and films to prepare new virtual tours for the Autumn.
I’m an English graduate with a background in theatre, who has previously worked teaching circus skills. London has been home for most of my life and I’ve discovered her slowly. Streets that I associate with personal events have different resonances now that I’m a guide. Knowing the history of other Londoners makes my London a richer, more interesting place. I’d like to help you discover your London. Your highlight may be visiting the big sites, or the little alleyways, maybe it’ll be the galleries, museums, shops, or even just the food. London is a diverse and vibrant city waiting to be explored. I’d be delighted to show you around and help you make sense of what you are seeing.
“Doing the ...walk with Fiona was definitely one of the highlights of my 6 day visit to London. Fiona was almost a walking database, a waterfall with all those funny, strange beautiful and interesting facts."
“Loved this. Fiona got us in all the juicy spots for the changing of the Guard ceremonies. It was packed but she knew exactly where to put us for each section of the process."
To see my upcoming Virtual tours have a look at my profile on Eventbrite:
Reviews for The Virtual Lure of the Underground
"Lure of the Underground virtual tour with Fiona was Brilliant "Walk". Well presented, carefully researched and very interesting tour. Fiona knows her stuff and is keen to tell the story. Technology worked well and online you can see things not able to on the real walk so you lose some but win a lot."
"So many additional skills required of a guide to do everything online and you managed it very adroitly. It was a very informative talk and impressively worked on different levels, with a broad sweep of knowledge to satisfy everyone from first time visitors to London and also residents who are everyday users of the Underground."
Follow me on Instagram at @fionalukasguide
EnglishTop 5 Specialities
The City of London Tour
Hampton Court Palace Tour
Classic London Tour
Changing of the Guard Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 19th of March, 2025
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