Edina Nagy

e-mail: info@seelondontours.com | weboldal: www.seelondontours.com
Welcome 🇺🇸 Herzlich Wilkommen 🇩🇪 Bienvenidos 🇪🇸 Bemvindos 🇧🇷 Üdvözlöm 🇭🇺
I offer a wide range of professionally conducted tours in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Hungarian.
Contact me with regard to driver guiding, museum & gallery visits, coach tours or guided walks. To book please email me or visit my website!
(I am based in London, but occasionally you would find me in Budapest, where I am also an accredited guide)
HungarianGermanSpanishEnglishPortugueseTop 5 Specialities
City of Oxford Tour
Windsor Castle Tour
Stonehenge Tour
Cotswolds Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 24th of November, 2024
Simply put your name and email address in the form below, together with a brief message for the Guide, and hit the green 'Send' button. The Guide concerned will then reply as quickly as possible to discuss your requirements.