Delianne Forget

I am Canadian/British, have lived in the UK since 1992 and have several insecure professions! Other than being a Tour Guide, I’m an actor who occasionally gets parts in TV and Film. Recently, for example, you will have seen me in THE DOORMAN, with Jean Reno, and in THE PENTAVERATE with Mike Meyers. Oh yes, and a few commercials too!
I specialise in Royal History and Scandal! I can do you a wicked Hampton Court or Tower of London. Ghosts and Ghoulies do not scare your intrepid guide, and I haven’t even mentioned dear old JACK THE RIPPER! In addition, I can be found lurking around the Inns of Court, the British Museum, or anywhere with a Shakespeare/ Dickens connection. The ancient byways and alleys of the Ancient City of London are my friends.
Here’s some of my highlights:
WESTMINSTER ABBEY, and the TOWER OF LONDON: I bring these famous landmarks to life through the intriguing stories of those who have gone before. What’s it like to be a prisoner in the Tower? I will show you!
ROYAL LONDON: Along with regular Guard Change and Palace Tours, Why not join one of my ‘niche tours’? ‘ Royal Sex, Sin, and Scandal’ is a racy little walk based on the naughty antics of Kings and Queens. ‘The Crown’ takes you into the scandalous stories behind the hit Netflix TV series. ‘A Right Royal Brew’ explores the world of Kings and Queens who used Magick - sometimes not with a happy ending!
GHOSTS AND GASLIGHT: As a member of the world famous Ghost Club (founded in 1862) I have been on several vigils and ghost hunts in London, and have many ghost tours in my repertoire - from ‘Haunted West End’ to ‘The City of the Dead’- just two of my popular tours. I will lead you down spooky alleys and into the dark nooks and crannies that ghosts love. You never know what you will find on your photos after the tour. Often we have ‘visitors’ from the other side! Contact me for the full list.
THE WITCH TOUR - A merry romp through the history of witchcraft and Magick in London that takes you right up to today! This walk includes a visit to a shop where real witches and wizards buy their spellbooks. At the end of the walk we make a genuine Magick circle, in which you will consecrate a personal talisman to take away with you.
RIPPERLAND: I am an expert on Jack the Ripper. Every year I attend conferences in the UK and internationally, where I study in depth various aspects of this fascinating and perplexing case. My Tours are guaranteed to scare you, and make you think! I offer two new tours dealing with aspects of the Ripper legend that no-one else addresses. ‘The Bank Holiday Murders’ investigates Murders pre the Canonical Five (Nichols, Chapman, Stride, Eddowes and Kelly). Is this how Jack warmed up? This tour also investigates the social aspects of the East End.
‘Ripperland’ Takes you to sites that other tours don’t cover. It explores possible new victims, and new suspects. Both of these tours include two pub stops.
I can also lead you on a basic ‘Jack’ primer that you will never forget! Different to all the other Ripper Tours. During the tour we will sup a pint or two in pubs frequented by the killer.
In addition to all the above, I offer a Wapping Walk, exploring the old east end docks area (with pubs!) and Mayfair and Belgravia pub walks. After all, everybody likes to sit down now and then!
I live in South London with two siamese cats, and this year I hope to get to grips with my garden! A bit of a petrol head, I am the proud owner of a red E-Type called 'Harry'!
EnglishTop 5 Specialities
Charles Dickens London Tour
Royal London Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Jack The Ripper Tour
British Museum Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 16th of January, 2025
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