Dan Bai

I was born in northern China and then moved to the south (Shenzhen) when I was a child. Now as a Chinese living in London, it seems I have always been adapting and growing up in the collision of different cultures. I came to the country to study A-level and did Finance & Management as my Under/Postgraduate degree. In the last decade, I have worked as an accountant for a Global 500 company; an editor and presenter for a mainstream Chinese broadcasting company; and I was even a restaurant owner. I have always been trying a new career path to explore my potential. In the beginning, I stepped into the industry because I like traveling. But now, meeting different people and facing different challenges has made me feel that my life and career have infinite possibilities. Every object, painting, or building should be unique, it will be given a different life depending on the life experience of the narrator, and I am looking forward to sharing my view of the city with you. 您好,我是伦敦蓝牌向导小白,很荣幸能在这个平台向您介绍我自己:年少时作为一名生活在深圳的北方女孩,现在作为一名生活在伦敦的中国人,我仿佛一直在两种生活与文化的碰撞中适应与成长;高中时跌跌撞撞的独自来到英国留学,本科与硕士随波逐流的选择了英国最有前景的金融专业,却在数字与数字的叠加中迷失了自己而一直在尝试新的轨道:毕业十余年,我在世界五百强企业做过会计,在国内主流媒体欧洲台做过编辑与主持,在英国创过业开过餐厅,但总是没有什么职业能让我笃定的说就是它了~~起初只是因为自己喜欢去世界各地旅行而摸索的进入了这个行业,却没想到一回头已经走了这么远了了,八年的导游生涯没有让我觉得无趣,反而每天遇到不同的人,面临不同的挑战让我觉得我的人生与职业有着无限的可能。 一幅画,一件物品或者一座建筑它都应该是独一无二的,它会因为讲述者人生经历的不同而被赋予不同的生命,而我期待我能有机会把我对这个城市的理解分享给您。
Chinese (Mandarin)Top 5 Specialities
National Gallery Tour
Westminster Abbey Tour
Tower of London Tour
St Paul’s Cathedral Tour
British Museum Tour
Guide Calendar Last Update: 12th of June, 2024
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