
Blue Badge Tourist Guides work as freelancers so it is important to establish in advance what the exact fees are, as well as the terms and conditions. There is an additional charge for other languages.

Blue Badge Driver Guides provide private tours by car. There is no set tour. Tours can be for a half-day, full-day, or overnight. The tour can be within London, a day trip from London or for several days around the country. The cost depends on the number of people, the length of the day and the distance travelled. There is an additional charge for other languages.

Blue Badge Tourist Guides and Driver Guides are typically engaged for either Half days or Full days:

  • Half days are up to 4 hours maximum, which can be either morning (expected to finish by 13.00) or afternoon tours (expected to start from 13.30).
  • Full days are up to 9 hours (finishing no later than 18.00).

Blue Badge Tourist Guide Fees for 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025: 

  • Fees for English language speakers typically start from £208 for a half-day and £339 for a full-day.
  • Fees for any other language speakers typically start from £237 for a half-day and £376 for a full-day.
  • Fees for Driver Guides typically start from £480 for a half-day and £690 for full-day.

Blue Badge Tourist Guide Fees for 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026: 

  • Fees for English language speakers typically start from £218 for a half-day and £356 for a full-day.
  • Fees for any other language speakers typically start from £246 for a half-day and £391 for a full-day.

Guide London - find a Blue Badge Tourist Guide using our GuideMatch service.
N.B. cancellation policy is typically as follows:

96 hours (4 days) prior to the commencement of engagement: Full fee.

10 days prior to the commencement of engagement: 50% of the fee.

Blue Badge Tourist Guides usually work according to the terms and conditions laid out in the attachments below. We recommend contacting the guide to discuss your tour requirements as well as confirming the fee and full set of terms and conditions.

Travel Trade Fees:

Driver Guide Fees:

Booking Terms & Conditions: