Rick Jones

Guide London A – Z: Letter Y London Landmarks And Tourist Attractions

How many London landmarks and tourist attractions can you name that start with the Letter Y? Blue Badge Tourist Guide Rick Jones continues our Guide London A-Z video series and provides insights on the historical events, famous and not-so-famous landmarks in London starting with the Letter Y.

London landmarks and tourist attractions that begin with the Letter Y

This is the Guide London A-Z. I’m Rick Jones a London Blue Badge Tourist Guide looking at the letter Y.

Yeomen Warders

Y is for the Yeomen Warders at the Tower of London. That is their official title. Sometimes they’re called Beefeaters because the king, who handpicked them to be his bodyguard five hundred years ago, shared his meat-rich diet with them too. The E and R denote Elizabeth who Reigns. They haven’t changed their clothes since 1490.

Young & Co’s Brewery

Y is for the brewer Young & Co’s which makes the beer that half of London drinks. They own two hundred pubs around the city, friendly, warm, historic London pubs, through which they sell Young’s ales and stout and bags of crisps – or chips – and three-course meals as well. A pint of Ordinary, please, is what you ask for or indeed ‘a pint of Special’ if you’re in a hurry to get drunk.

Young Vic Theatre

Y is for the Young Vic Theatre a celebrated playhouse in the city which is famous for its theatreland. New plays, old plays aimed at younger crowds. It’s intimate. The stage is in the round. Who’s performed here? Judi Dench, Vanessa Redgrave, Helen Mirren, Michael Sheen, John Malkovich. The list goes on. The youthful energy makes this a special place.

York House Watergate

Y is for the York House Watergate, a regal river entrance to the palace of the Archbishop of York. This gate is all that’s left. An English admiral acquired the palace and arrived by boat so this was his garage. We’re talking Duke of Buckingham in 1620, courtly chap, chummy with the king when many Londoners were buying one-way tickets on the Mayflower to escape all that.

Yew Tree

Y is for the Yew Tree by the church St Andrew’s Totteridge in one of London’s rural suburbs. Yews in English churchyards recall history as they grow to a great age. The Roman Army planted this one-two millennia ago. It is the oldest living thing in London though Her Majesty the Queen at ninety-five comes close.

Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

Y is for the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) which began in London in the 1840s to provide apprentices with food, a bath, a bed and wholesome things to do. The idea soon spread around the world. By 1960 it could build this mighty hostel, brutalist in style, which has as many floors below ground as above. The Lord moves in some quite mysterious ways.

These are just some of the tourist attractions that you can find in London beginning with the letter Y. My name is Rick Jones. Check out my profile at our website guidelondon.org.uk and please subscribe to our YouTube channel and join us as we explore the A-Z of Guide London.

Rick Jones

Rick Jones specialises in the arts. Before becoming a Blue Badge Guide he worked as an arts journalist for different newspapers and magazines including the Evening Standard (where he was Chief Music Critics for ten years) and is today the secretary of the Critics’ Circle. He is a graduate…

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