London Harry Potter Film Locations Tour

A magical experience for wizards and muggles alike – a tour of London locations used in the Harry Potter films.

A Tour of London locations used in Harry Potter films is unmissable because…

The eight Harry Potter films enchanted people across the world. Now you can relive your favourite moments in the real London locations where the films were shot. Whether you are an avid Harry Potter fan or more of a muggle – you’ll see London in a new light as you explore famous landmarks and hidden alleys where Harry, Ron, and Hermione battled the evil forces of you know who…

Must-sees during a Tour of London locations used in Harry Potter films:

  • Walk along the street said to have inspired JK Rowling to create the Wizard’s shopping street, Diagon Alley featured in all but one of the films (ten points to Gryffindor if you know which one).
  • See how an unusual shop front became the doorway to the Leaky Cauldron in The Philosophers Stone.
  • Understand the magic of moviemaking when you see how a government building was turned into the Ministry of Magic in the Order of the Phoenix.
  • Imagine yourself flying up the Thames on a broomstick over the actual bridges and buildings that Harry and his friends swoop past in The Order of the Phoenix as they head for the rendezvous at Grimmauld Place.
  • The Death Eaters wreak havoc across London in the Half-Blood Prince. They fly so quickly past London’s Millennium Footbridge that it wobbles until it collapses. Are you brave enough to walk across this bridge and learn how it really did wobble dramatically when it was first opened to the public?

Book a Blue Badge Tourist Guide for a Tour of London locations used in Harry Potter films because…

  • Guides who lead Harry Potter Tours know and love the world of Harry Potter as much as you do.
  • They’ll take you to the famous and not-so-famous London locations where the films were shot.
  • They’ll help you recreate key moments in actual locations for some fantastic photos.
  • Along the way, your Guide will entertain you with insider stories about the films and actors.
    You’ll have the chance to get onto Platform 9 3/4 with a luggage trolley at London’s King’s Cross Station for another great photo opportunity.
  • While at King’s Cross Station, your Blue Badge Tourist Guide can take you to the official Harry Potter shop for scarves, wands, and everything else an aspiring wizard needs.

Please bear in mind that these are not public tours, but private tours conducted by specialist Blue Badge Tourist Guides who will charge a separate fee, details of which can be found on our Fees page.

Disclaimer: The London Harry Potter Film Locations Tours are an independent tour and are not officially affiliated with or approved by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., the publishers of the Harry Potter books, or J.K. Rowling and her representatives. The rights to the Harry Potter book series belong to J.K. Rowling and her publishers, including Scholastic Press. The film rights and associated trademarks are owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

Simply input your tour request details in the form below. When you have finished, hit the Green ‘Submit to Match’ button. Your request will be instantly emailed to three highly qualified and enthusiastic London Blue Badge Tourist Guides, matching your criteria. They will then email you confirming availability, pricing and suggestions for the tour itself. So let one of our 500+ Blue Badge Tourist Guides make your stay in London a special one.

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